Power Down

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Power Down is Jenny's down special.

Overview[edit | edit source]

When activated, Jenny will power down for 15 seconds. During these 15 seconds, she cannot do anything except reboot to preserve the charge, which can be done pressing the special button. Although she can't do anything, she can withstand 40% damage and cannot be grabbed. There is little starting and ending lag for this move.

During the power down, Jenny charges up her Energy Beam, and successfully completing this charge-up will allow the user to have access to a fully-charged Energy Beam, which generally takes 4 in-game minutes to fully charge normally. However, if the move is interrupted by dealing enough damage, the Energy Beam level will reset no matter what stage it was at. If Power Down is used with a fully-charged Energy Beam, the charge will not carry over for the next use of Energy Beam. Rebooting without fully completing the Power Down will not affect the Energy Beam's charge.

For every second powered down, Jenny also self-heals 2% for a total of 30% for each Power Down. This is not affected by how much Energy Beam is charged, allowing Jenny to use it even with a full charge.

Origin[edit | edit source]

Mr. Genetor charging up energy after unleashing an attack on Lucas and co.

Robots generally power down for maintenance, whether it's for humans to fix problems inside the machine or to conserve energy for future use. Although Jenny is seen powering down in the show, this move is mostly inspired by Mr. Genetor from Mother 3, who conserves energy after unleashing a devastating attack, healing itself in the process.

Jenny's special moves
Neutral special Energy Beam
Side special Laser Beam
Up special Hair Boosters
Down special Power Down
Final Smash Ultimate Energy Beam