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Crash! is SpongeBob's side special.

Overview[edit | edit source]

SpongeBob summons a boatmobile and drives it. When the boatmobile makes contact with a floored opponent directly, It produces a crash, dealing 12% to the opponent and having a lot of knockback, capable of KOing middleweights at 80%. However, if the opponent is in the air or indirectly in the way of the boat, the opponent merely bounces off the boat and takes 4%.

If the boat does not crash, SpongeBob naturally stops after 5 seconds, or if SpongeBob jumps out of it, in both scenarios, the boat instantly despawns. The crash also has high ending lag.

This move can be used mid-air for some slight vertical recovery distance, however after a few frames the boat starts to plummet, making it a poor recovery move.

Origin[edit | edit source]

SpongeBob crashing the boat into a lighthouse.

The main form of transportation in Bikini Bottoms is the boatmobile. Throughout the series, SpongeBob has been trying to get his boatmobile license from Mrs. Puff, however as a result of his ineptness most of his test drives end up in a crash that destroys the boat and causes Mrs. Puff to inflate.

SpongeBob's special moves
Neutral special Food Fight
Side special Crash!
Up special Bubble Tricks
Down special Absorption
Final Smash Jellyfish Jam