Woff Rush

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Woff Rush is Hilda's side special.

Overview[edit | edit source]

A Woff appears from the background and carries Hilda across the map. The Woff has decent horizontal distance, however it goes nowhere vertically. When the move ends, Hilda goes into freefall; this can be prevented by jumping prematurely, although the Woff cannot be summoned again until Hilda touches the ground. When ended prematurely, the Woff still travel the full length.

The Woff has a huge hitbox that makes it hard for opponents to hit Hilda, making it a safe horizontal recovery. It can also be used to initiate aerial combos at low-to-mid percents, and can KO starting at 150%.

Origin[edit | edit source]

Hilda riding a normal Woff.

Woffs are generally docile creatures that live in the wilderness, although they do occasionally make a trip into Trolberg. Woffs can only fly to travel, and Hilda has used Woffs as a means of transportation on occasion. However, Woffs are not known to attack, although they can possibly move wildly when someone is riding them.

Hilda's special moves
Neutral special Rock Throw
Side special Woff Rush
Up special The Great Raven
Down special Nowhere Space
Final Smash Elf Cavalry