Mewberty Wings

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Mewberty Wings is Star's up special.

Overview[edit | edit source]

When used, Star temporarily sprout golden wings and flies in the direction inputted. This recovery has incredible vertical distance, being able to travel over half the height of a map. However, it's horizontal distance is far weaker, making Star's recovery slightly more predictable.

On its initial startup, the wings also have a windbox that can push opponents away, potentially gimping opponents or preventing opponents from edgeguarding Star's recovery.

Origin[edit | edit source]

Star's Mewberty form.

Star first grew wings in the episode "Mewberty", where it first appeared after going through Mewberty, Mewni's version of puberty. However, the wings were too small to fly, as such Star never used it much.

During Season 3, however, Star was able to control a new Mewberty form - in this form she sprouts golden wings that allow her to fly around.

Star's special moves
Neutral special Dagger Crystal Heart Attack
Side special Narwhal Blast
Up special Mewberty Wings
Down special Laser Puppies
Final Smash Mewberty Blast