Laser Beam

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Laser Beam is SpongeBob's side special.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Jenny shoots a beam in front of her that travels at a medium speed, but has a large hitbox and deals more damage and knockback as the move travels farther. The beam will disappear when it hits someone, gets absorbed, or goes off-screen. If the move is reflected, it can potentially cause a 1-hit KO depending on how long the beam had traveled before.

Duration Damage KO Percent
0-1 seconds 6% 999%
2-4 seconds 12% 180%
5+ seconds 24% 100%

Origin[edit | edit source]

The gun used during Laser Beam

Jenny has a variety of weapons in her arsenal, with one such weapon being the Laser Beam. In the show, she uses it relatively frequently compared to the rest of her moves, and it shoots a continuous beam instead of a single beam like in-game.

Jenny's special moves
Neutral special Energy Beam
Side special Laser Beam
Up special Hair Boosters
Down special Power Down
Final Smash Ultimate Energy Beam