Energy Beam

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Energy Beam is Jenny's neutral special.

Overview[edit | edit source]

When used, Jenny shoots out a beam. The damage output and strength of the beam depends on how long the beam has charged, which is done automatically. Depending on the strength, the beam will be shot out of one of three body parts:

Charge Time Body Part Damage KO Percent
none Hair 5% 999%
1 minute Hands 15% 150%
4 minutes Chest 50% 50%

The beam can be fully charged quicker by using Power Down. The stronger the beam, the slower it will move.

Origin[edit | edit source]

Jenny shooting a beam from her hands, destroying the mirror in front of her.

Jenny has a variety of weapons in her arsenal, the most common weapon used is her energy beams. Throughout the show, she is seen shooting beams from her hair, hands, and chest, as well as feet and eyes. The move itself doesn't have a charge up, and generally and consistently deals major damage to both foes and the surrounding.

Jenny's special moves
Neutral special Energy Beam
Side special Laser Beam
Up special Hair Boosters
Down special Power Down
Final Smash Ultimate Energy Beam