Elf Cavalry

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Elf Cavalry is Hilda's final smash.

Overview[edit | edit source]

When executed, Hilda's pet deerfox Twig will appear and headbutt the opponent out of the stage. A cut scene then plays where an elf cavalry charges and runs over the opponent. Twig's headbutt deals 10%, while the cavalry deals a total of 40%. The opponent is then launched away, potentially being KO'd starting at 65%.

Origin[edit | edit source]

The elf cavalry is a group of elves riding on a rabbit that defends their Prime Minister. They are first seen in the pilot episode "Chapter 1: The Hidden People," where they attack Hilda for invading their space. Hilda is quickly saved by Twig, causing the cavalry to run away in fear. A similar cavalry was seen in "Chapter 7: The Lost Clan," where they take David hostage in exchange for destroying the contract that binds them to the town.

Twig is Hilda's loyal deerfox. Although docile and nice to Hilda's friends, he can become roused up when his owner is attacked or in danger, and as such will go in a defensive position.

Hilda's special moves
Neutral special Rock Throw
Side special Woff Rush
Up special The Great Raven
Down special Nowhere Space
Final Smash Elf Cavalry