Dagger Crystal Heart Attack

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Dagger Crystal Heart Attack is the neutral special of Star.

Overview[edit | edit source]

When used, Star points her wand towards an inputted direction and fires five hearts. Each heart deals 1.5% damage for a total of 7.5% if all the hearts hit. While the hearts are incapable of KOing at realistic percents, each hit momentarily stuns the opponent, making it a useful edgeguarding tool against weak recoveries. The hearts can also lock the opponent, however only if three or less hit.

The move is best used from a distance away, as the opponent could just shield and punish the hearts up close thanks to its high ending lag. However, the hearts can easily wear out the opponent's shield, making it easier for the opponent's shield to break.

Origin[edit | edit source]

Star using the Dagger Crystal Heart Attack

The move was first used in the Season 1 episode "Match Maker", when Star and Marco were fighting off Ludo's army. A variation of this move was used in another Season 1 episode "The Other Exchange Student."

Star's special moves
Neutral special Dagger Crystal Heart Attack
Side special Narwhal Blast
Up special Mewberty Wings
Down special Laser Puppies
Final Smash Mewberty Blast